Ding dong the manager's gone.
And now it's time,
For a brand new song.
Ding dong let's start all over again !
We got young talent ready to go.
Some can hit it far,
Some can fly right home.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Munchkins in Oz are Celebrating !!
Monday, September 28, 2009
These Tribers are for the Birds
Sunday, September 27, 2009
When is a baseball card a football card ?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Cleveland and the Minor Leagues Part I
A rough comparison to today's classification would go like this:
D Blue Ridge League ( PA-MD-WV ) * Frederick Warriors
D Blue Ridge League ( PA-MD-WV ) * Frederick Warriors
B Central League* Ft. Wayne Chiefs
A1 Southern Association * New Oleans Pelicans
A1 Southern Association * New Oleans Pelicans
AA American Association * Minneapolis Millers
AA American Association * Minneapolis Millers
AA American Association * Milwaukee Brewers
AA American Association * Milwaukee Brewers
AA International Buffalo Bisons
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Flea Market Tale
These books actually came from two different Goodwill stores we stopped at on the way home.
This Albert Belle came from another table. No, that's not Jacob's Field Albert is standing on. It's old Veteran's Stadium, sight of the 1996 All-Star game. There were several different players in this series, " Stadium Stars ". This box was actually still factory sealed but I'm not one to keep items, I intend to keep, in their original packaging. Albert will be out on display with the rest of his SLU friends!
One inside vendor had a special going on. He had 3-4 3200 ct. boxes full of cards priced at 2 cents each. There were no Indians, but a lot of nice cards. Hopefully for trading or helping someone with want lists. I may have to go back as there were a lot of late 1970's -early 1980's Topps. Mostly commons but very good condition.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Should I start trading football for baseball ?
A couple weeks ago Big D, over at Hey that's mine, was looking for a Lester Hayes football card he had owned as a young collector and was trying to find another copy. The majority of my football cards are from the late 80's and early 90's along with some newer and some older ones. I thought I just may have the card he was looking for so I dug out my boxes and started searching.Well, I did find two Hayes cards, but not the specific one he was searching for. He was interested in them anyway so I sent them on their way to a new, happier home. I wasn't expecting or asking for anything in return as they were just two meaningless cards to me. Plus, if he was collecting football, he probably wouldn't have much I was interested in anyway. However, I discovered Big D also collects baseball cards and today I received a nice package from him.When I saw the return address, I remembered the name, but for the life of me I could not remember what trade it was! When I opened it and saw his note, it all came back. "Thanks for the Lester Hayes cards. Big D".
This was one of my favorites in the stack : Omar doing one of his patented, acrobatic double plays.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Chris is OK
A couple weeks ago I received an email from Chris OK,who had noticed a comment I left on another blog. He said he had some Tribe cards he thought I would enjoy more than him and wanted to send them to me. It didn't take long for me to send him my address !! I'm always up for receiving Indian cards and I always have something in return.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Clunkers to and from Fan of Reds
One of the latest to jump in was Fan of Reds over at Nachos Grande. I just put a package for him in the mail today and received one from him also! The three cards above were among his clunkers and I staked a claim on them. Why, you ask, does a Tribe fan want Mantle cards? Well, first, they're all chrome and shiny! Second, I grew up in the sixties and "The Mick" was one of my heroes.
When the neighbor kids all got together to play ball, everyone wanted to be Mickey Mantle. Do kids still have that much imagination these days? I used to take a piece of chalk and draw a square on the side of our concrete block garage. That square would be the strike zone. I would be the Cleveland pitcher, maybe Jim "Mudcat" Grant. We would be in Cleveland playing the "hated " NY Yankees! Standing back a ways, I would try to throw a pitch into the square for a strike. Richardson, Howard, Boyer,Maris, none of those guys could hit me ! Even if I missed the square, they would swing and miss be out. But Mantle, that was different story. Of course, he never hit a HR off me unless we were so far ahead it didn't make any difference. But he did get some base hits. So that's why I save Mantle cards. I don't actively collect his cards but I save them when I run across or pull them out of packs.I don't have any originals. I had an orange 1960 Topps All-Star card as a kid, but it's long gone.That was the only Mantle card I ever had. Now, before I go " girly" and get all emotional, let's move on.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Super Joe in the mail and one method to my madness.
Toward the back of the box I have divider cards labeled with years from 1983 to 2009. It starts with 1983 because I rarely get many cards older than that,but when I do I try to put them in my albums immediately. The next step is to sort the cards,which leaves the box looking like this :
The very first red divider is marked "misc.". Behind that goes minor league cards, retro cards and player cards I collect that have their own albums. That would be Jim Thome (Cleveland cards only!), Super Joe and Steve Olin. I also collect Jim Abbott (any team) but his cards are kept in another box for sorting. So, the cards are now all sorted by year and it's time to check to see if I need them and if I do they go to their happy new home here :
The duplicates all in front and the dividers in the back waiting for the next batch of goodies. Then the duplicates are transferred to a larger 5000 ct. box.Unfortunately, those are not all sorted !
Monday, September 7, 2009
Identical Packs From Motherscratcher - Pack Searcher?
This is what makes me think you're up to something ! 16 packs (not counting Comic Ball), 211 cards and I only get 6 Tribe cards !!
I've got you on this one. I know what you're up to.
You are an Indians fan and don't want to give up any more Tribe cards than you have to.
I know I have to be careful here. Knowing your profession,you probably do a lot of dental work for doctors, lawyers, FBI agents,NCIS, CSI and maybe even the President.
I'm pretty sure you probably had some of those high tech people (that Abby can do anything with computers!) fix up one your x-ray machines so you can see every card in each pack without opening it.You missed that Babe Ruth though didn't 'ya! Ha! That was probably the last pack you checked, the gold leaf probably took out your machine !!
Seriously, these old packs were a lot of fun. Back then nobody wanted Indian cards so they didn't have many !
There were a few ex or yet-to -be Tribe players too.
Brett Butler,Denny Martinez, Ron Hassey,Omar Vizquel,Jeff Kent,Dennis EckersleyCal, The Babe,Carlton and Chipper
The "BAGMAN" with his cool pop-ups, Kirby Puckett,HOF ' er Rickey Henderson and a Cyber Stats Paul Molitor.
Happy Labor Day ! More boxes arrive.
Well, actually about an hour down the road.
Motherscratcher, from Avon, is not far at all but we never have met.
We'll have to get together sometime.
He sent a very nice mixture of wax packs which I will be doing a post on later today.
These two boxes were taped together and came as one package.
These are the approx. 1200 cards that came from Mike. He's not a blogger, that I know of, but he lives in New Jersey and at least, at one time, collected cards.
He happened across my web page and thought I might like these Tribe cards so he sent them to me !! He didn't even want anything for them but I will have to repay him somehow ! Well, I will always take any baseball cards or any sports cards anyone wants to give away.I will find a good place for the ones that don't end up in my collection.(of course,that's a good place too).