Jim Abbott is another favorite of mine. He is a perfect example of what you can do if you put your mind to it. I also have a collection of his cards.
Thank you very much for the great cards !
I think I'm all caught up with trades for now.Now I have a ton of stuff to sort and take care of over my long vacation week-end. On Sunday, May 31st my wife and I will have been married 29 years ! I'm amazed she's kept me all these years.I don't go back to work until next Wednesday.Saturday night we are meeting up with Harold (Bluegrass Smoke Signals) and his wife to check out the new Columbus Clippers ballpark.I should have some stories and pictures next week. The rest of the week-end is all up to my wife ! Whatever she wants she gets. (almost!)
Glad you liked the cards, and congrats!