Sunday, June 14, 2009

Free gift Part II

First of all, David , I'm sorry !! I inadvertantly left this out of my post yesterday ! I put this card aside from all the Tribe cards and it kinda' got lost. Actually, I'm not sure what to do with this card.(Apparently David didn't either so he passed it on to me !! )It's kind of a unique item with the Indians jersey swatch and the inscription on the back.David posted it on Indian baseball cards once before. This is an extreme example of the card companies not having the right material at the time for production.I don't have a ripped version in my sample card collection so it will probably end up there. Thanks David, Ithink ! Actually I'm glad to have it.


  1. This is a pretty cool card. I've never seen one with the game ticket included! That's an interesting idea, but really to kind of mind-boggling with the inclusion of his old team's jersey.

  2. I actually took a few game-used and gave 'em out, so I was glad you ended up with one of them!!
