I still don't have my computer back but I borrowed my son's to catch up a little.
I received a package from David at
Tribe Cards yesterday . It was part of his latest team give-away (don't tell him, but I may have been willing to pay a little for this !). It was a very large bubble mailer,partly folded over, to protect this:

A 1987 Cleveland Indian Gatorade team photo/baseball card stadium give-a-away.
A give-away- for a give-a-away !!

It unfolds to reveal a team photo and 30 "punch-outable" mini baseball cards.

There were also two nicely wrapped and decorated packages inside.They measure about 2 1/2 x 3 1/2. Hmm... I wonder what's inside ! ?

A ton of Tribe cards ! Well maybe not quite a ton,but a very nice mixture.
Some of the highlights are shown below.

I always loved Kenny Lofton's parachute device to build up his running strength.

What , A
Sox card ! Wait a minute, that's our fearless leader, back in his playing days.The card states he was Boston's catcher of the future, but, unfortunately some injuries changed his path a little. Actually, I'd never heard of Eric until the Tribe hired him.

As of May 14,1981, there hadn't been a perfect game in major league baseball for 13 years.
On May 14th the battery of Len Barker and Bo Diaz took care of that. Lenny struck out 11 Blue Jays and walked none. I was there with about 200,000 other Indian fans ,who, when asked were there too ! (I really wasn't)

There were some nice older cards too like the '79 Topps Rick Manning and the '77 Topps Jackie Brown.
There were many more nice cards, some of which I need for my collection ! Thank you very much David, for your generosity.