Everyone is always looking for the answer to life. How do I find that secret way to the land of milk and honey ? to the utopia of Shangri - la ?
Maybe, just maybe,
Night Owl discovered the way to find that magical doorway !!
A few weeks ago he made a comment on
this post of mine.
One day I nonchalantly picked up one pack of 2011 Allen & Ginter, at a check out at Meijers, and pulled a Cheryl Burke auto redemption card. Night Owl's final words at the end of his comment were "you're living right, man "
Wow ! I didn't even know. He must have me confused with someone else. Could it really be that simple ? And just what is " living right " anyway ?
I believe in God, but I don't go to church every Sunday.
I don't smoke.
(when I was about 8 or 9, I stole a ciggy from a lady who lived down the street.I always played ball with her kids. It was a menthol type, later I lit up and took one puff - never, ever wanted to try one again !!)
I don't drink. (any more)
( went through high school, a tour in the Army and Viet Nam without even a beer. Later started having an occasional drink. 35 years ago I got drunk ONE time, really sick that night, haven't had a drink since !)
I have only been married once.
I have been married almost 32 years, never cheated on my wife.
I never hit my wife or kids.
I always wear my seat belt and almost never go over the posted speed limit.
Is that living right ? I have no idea. I mean, I'm basically a good person, but surely there are those who are better than I.
Well, what ever it is, here's my story tonight !
I've been stopping at Target every day, hoping to find 2012 Topps. I know they are showing up in some places.
I've read many horror stories around the blogs about the new American Pie. Most say,don't waste your money. I've also heard a little about Americana.
No new Topps in Target tonight but I see American Pie. I also check the $1.59 bargain pack box.
I grab one new American Pie and a 2009 Americana bargain pack.
Here's the Americana.

Wow, that's an awfully thick filler card !

The first three cards, boring !!
Michael Madsen. Had no clue until I read he was the hero in 1993's "Free Willy".
George Romero. Familiar name, didn't know why. Oh, his first film 1968. "Night of the Living Dead" I've always liked horror films.
Gerald Okamura. Gee, a genuine ninja ! Had roles in "Power Rangers" and "Hot Shots".

Now these I can relate to.
Erin Moran Little Joanie on "Happy Days" turned into a hottie !
Charlie Daniels The band. "The Devil Went Down to Georgia". He can make that fiddle talk !
Not really too excited about these. Probably aren't any baseball people in the set but I'll check the list.
Oh, wait, the filler card.

There's something I understand. I really don't that movie, but I know the stars. Rosalind Russell had the attention of all the men (and boys !) back in the day!
On the flip side...

A dual swatch card ! " swatches of material cut from authentic items worn by...." . But not necessarily in that movie. We've all seen that before. I still like it though.
Now the American Pie
Will it be sweet apple or sour cherry?

Let's start with the 1950's card. Cool, they're playing Scrabble ! One of my favorite board games. Hit the market in 1955. Didn't realize it was that old.

The 1960's. Charles Schulz. Creator of the comic strip "Peanuts". " A Charlie Brown Christmas" has been on every December since 1965 !

Also a 1960's insert. "Fads and Fashions" I was never impressed with them but we all know where this card is going !!

1980's. The Berlin Wall falls. I don't want to get to political here.I don't claim to be Republican or Democrat but I think the Reagan years were pretty good.

1990's "Titanic" I like that movie. Even if it is a chic flic !
For the final card, we're going back to the 1940's. I saved this for last because it's my favorite from this pack.

Abbott and Costello's " Who's on First "

This is a great card. It will fit right into my baseball collection.
So these two products didn't really seem so bad to me, although I probably won't buy any more of either one. I may check to see if there are any other baseball related cards and go after them, but not by purchasing packs !
One more thing. I've been back to Good Will again.
You know those rectangular shaped plastic, zippered bags that large bedspreads or quilts come in ?

This one was on a shelf in Good Will in Sandusky. Packed full of cards ! 17 1/2 pounds of sports cards ! It turned out to be about 1/3 baseball, 1/3 football and 1/3 basketball with a few hockey and wrestling cards thrown in. There were a few 70's and a lot of early 80's and even some 2011 Topps baseball. No more Ripken rookies though.
But there were two Topps code cards.

I punched in the codes and they were still valid !! I got a couple 1973 cards but no Mantle ring. I've been sitting on 59 rings for like four months.
I guess I'm not living quite "right " enough !!