Good old stickers !
I've only seen one post on these, although there are probably more.
Here's my take.

I love the idea of bringing back stickers and albums. They're inexpensive, $2.00 for the album and $1.00 for a pack of 8 stickers, and younger, little kids like me should really enjoy them.
I picked up 8 packs of stickers and the album. The amazing part ... absolutely no duplicates ! Let's see what we have here.

Three out of nine total Indians. That was pretty good considering that Tribe players don't seem to show up a lot. Of course, if there bats would show up more often, they might get better card collation !

Here are some of the more prominent player stickers I pulled. Altogether there are 309 different 1 13/16 x 2 5/8 " stickers.

The inside of the back cover of the album is reserved for nine chrome HOF'ers. They add a nice touch to the collection.

There were four team logo sticker cards. They are also chrome and have two logos per sticker.

Each team logo sticker has it's own number.

This is the album cover. Heavy, shiny stock similar to the old albums of the '80's.

Opening it up you'll find instructions for using the album and sticking up in the center are two of the four free stickers included. The other four, of course, are on the back page. No real big stars here but I didn't check other albums to see if they are the same stickers in all.

Each team has nine stickers and it's own page.

The center of the album is very nice. There are spaces for each of the 30 team logo stickers and a section in the middle to follow along with 2011 post season play.
I really like this ! I'm debating on whether to remove the free stickers or keep them intact. I am also going to need an extra set of Indian stickers to keep in my binder of 2011 Tribe cards.
Now to 2011 Obak.
I really like these cards also.
Someone is trying to make me a set collector !

I can't explain the attraction to this set. It's so simple and to the point. Maybe the unusual backgrounds? I just want as many of these as possible !

These are the minis that came in the two packs I bought. May I'll go for the mini set. It would take up less space and I'd get basically the same cards. I will how ever, need the regular and mini versions of any Cleveland players such as the Addie Joss above.
Well, that's my story on these two products, and I'm " sticken' " to it !
I haven't seen any of these two products yet. Haven't really had the chance to look, but maybe this weekend. I really think you hit the nail on the head when you said Obak was simple and to the point. Not a ton of crazy inserts and shininess, just a pack of cards. Thanks posting these scans. I haven't seen anybody blog about this years Obak yet.