Meet " Colors ". A temporary new member of our family ! Colors is a seven year old Shetland (miniature collie) who belongs to our youngest son's girlfriend. She needed someone to take her in for while so we volunteered.Colors was a little apprehensive at first but finally calmed down on the living room floor with a pillow from Andy's room.
Now, the surprise was Ok as in Oklahoma. Jeremy over at no one's going to read this blog sent me a few Tribe cards to perk up my summer a little. Lord knows the Tribe isn't doing their part! They had a nice win streak going but that seems to have faded out.

This is my first Manny Acta card ! At first I was a little concerned when they chose him, but the more I see, the more I like. He has a good base of players, they just need some experience. I never lose my my faith in the Tribe !

The past - Kenny Lofton
The departed - Victor Martinez
The new - Justin Masterson
The yet to be- Ben Carlson
Ben had terrific college numbers :
.326 AVG. - .611 SLG - 38 HR - 149 G
But is currently struggling in A ball

Jeremy also sent about a dozen oldies but goodies as shown here.

Thanks very much for the great Tribe cards !